抑制Ta摻雜TiO2-NT 陣列電荷載流子陷阱態和雙光子吸收-尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!-首頁

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抑制Ta摻雜TiO2-NT 陣列電荷載流子陷阱態和雙光子吸收

發佈時間 :2023-05-18 欄目類別 :


  • Research highlights item 1: We revealed the mechanism of Ta substitution in TiO2-NTs for suppressing the charge carrier trap states and double-photon absorption.

  • Research highlights item 2: We introduced Ta to substitute Ti position in TiO2-NTs lattice through a simple fluorination process.

  • Research highlights item 3: We excited the photogenerated carriers under a modulated sinusoidal visible light to simulate the kinetics of charge carriers at the ETL/PAL interface.


友情連結 清華大學| 清華大學材料學院| 國家自然科學委員會| 科學網| 中華人民共和國科學技術部| 中國科學技術學會


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